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2023 December フリートレース

December Fleet Race


December 16th was a fleet race.

2023 December フリートレース

2023 12月度フリートレース報告

が、第1レーススタート11:00 予報どおり10m/s 風向250°宇部空港方向から大きいうねりも入りハードなコンディションとなりました。

レース船団はどんどん右海面へ、あれ?みんな帰ってる? そんな中、1艇だけが上マークを回航して下マークへ激走してきます。
堤さんだあ~! ここで安全の為、コース短縮。1艇のみフィニッシュ。後は全員DNFとなりました。


みなさん良いお年をお迎えください。 メリークリスマス!!!     K.Naito

2023 December Fleet Race Report

According to the weather forecast, the wind was forecasted to be 10 m/s from the west in a typical winter style, but it was 4 or 5 m/s before we sailed, and there were some who thought we should sail as standard.
However, at 11:00am when the first race started, the wind was 10m/s as predicted, with a large swell coming in from the direction of Ube Airport (250° wind direction), making for hard conditions.

After the start, the wind speed increased further and peaked at over 13 m/s. Many boats sank here and there, and the management had to stand by to rescue them,
The race fleet was moving to the right side of the sea. Is everyone going back? In such a situation, only one boat rounded the upper mark and came to the lower mark.
It's Mr. Tsutsumi! For safety reasons, the course was shortened and only one boat finished. The rest were all DNFs.
After that, everyone kept sinking, but somehow everyone made it home. It was the roughest fleet race in a while.
Thanks to the cleanup of Takeshima the week before last, I think everyone was able to finish the race safely. Thanks to the god of Takeshima! We are very thankful to the Gods of Takeshima!

After the race, we will be going to the annual Christmas party.
Reports of the party have been posted on social networking sites from time to time.

This year's party was like escaping from Corona and coming back to the usual party!
I hope everyone has a happy New Year. Merry Christmas!     K.Naito


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